Want that pattern in PDF, just ask!!!
Want that pattern in PDF, just ask!!!
Hi! Thanks for taking a minute to learn about Shinysun's Cross Stitching!
My name is Dawn Jachim and I currently operate SCS out of my home in North Canton, Ohio. We are a family owned business that started at the beginning of 2005 for 2 reasons...
The first and most important reason is my wonderful, loving, 26 year old son, Ryan. Way back on July 10, 2003, at the age of 5, he was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes. He was, and still is the type of diabetic that never has stable blood sugar levels. Because of this, he has been labeled a 'brittle diabetic' by his endocrinologists and other team of Drs. At that time and still to this day, Ryan receives anywhere from 4 to 6 injections of insulin daily. Most days he only receives insulin first thing in the morning, with all meals, and at bedtime. I had spent such a great deal of my time caring for him and his condition that I was unable to work outside of the home. So, I had to make good use of what spare time I had and started cross stitching again, an amazing skill that my mother taught me how to do when I was only 5 years old....
That brings us to the second reason. I obviously had some time on my hands and started to look around to find good quality cross stitch patterns that weren't cartoonish, samplers, or houses with just trees that were all back stitched and flowers that were all french knotted. Due to the limited availability of Craft / Embroidery stores, no matter where I looked (I covered 5 states trying) and with over 35 years of cross stitching experience at the time, I was tired of those typical run of the mill patterns. So, I began to look at a variety of things on the Internet and an idea began to unfold! 😲
It was then that Shinysun's Cross Stitching was born and began to take shape!!!! 🤗
With over 30 contracted Artists, the last 19+ years have been very exciting! SCS is very well known all over the world. We have been in several catalogs here in the US and Internationally that come right to your mailbox or selling to your local stores. If you see a pattern or 2 that you would like to purchase, ask your local store to contact us or you can purchase them right here on our website. It is now our goal to continue further development and growth all over the world. We take pride in knowing that our patterns are some of the best to be found and fun to stitch. With the excellent customer service that we promise to offer and some of the largest variety of pattern genres, we know you won't go wrong. We are always adding new patterns, so please, check back often. You never know what you might find!
And starting in 2022, we were proud to finally offer PDF patterns!! If you see a pattern that you would like to order, but don't see it offered in PDF, please contact us. We are in the process of offering all of our patterns in PDF option, so please contact us to be put on the list (our list is very short right now). We will do our best to add that special pattern you are after, in either format for you to choose, on this website as quickly as possible. However, You MUST email us first! 😉
And as always.... Happy Stitching!
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